Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mid-week mopiness

When you reach a stage where previewing the Vikings Classic is supposed to be fulfilling, it becomes obvious that you need to look elsewhere -- although I will say that it is that time of year where David Toms usually picks up a victory and I do really like Michael Sims game these days . . .

So, instead . . . listen to this:

DJ Format - A Little Bit of Soul (Via: Armed Snobbery)

And read this and these:

On Monday Jason Sobel blogged about Rickie Fowler and Jamie Lovemark, as well as briefly touched on the tendency today's golf culture is often quick to label young stars as the "next Tiger" (essentially).

Please excuse the commentary, I prescribe to neither their analysis nor their perspectives.

Fowler has a tremendous golf swing, he plays with youthful optimism -- particularly in his putting, and he seems to have the unbridled confidence that most winners have -- and Fowler has won, and won often, at every level he's competed at so far. His golf swing is extremely rounded (Ben Hogan-esque), which is increasingly becoming the modern standard, and he is seriously long (he finished 4th in driving distance at the Open -- 307.1 yard average for the week) while only being 5'9" and not particularly broad.

Fowler, has a history of embracing stardom and, now, it appears that his management company is labeling him as the future star of golf -- after all he is Rickie Folwer - Golf 2.0. (Geoff Shackelford)

On a side note, Golfweek published a Herst-esque piece on Fowler.

During Sunday's round at the Open, Parker McLachlin, while sitting bored on the fifth tee (his 15th hole of the day) waiting to play he took out his cell phone and tweeted (@ParkerMcLachlin):
"Just made birdie on 4. Waiting on 5th tee. First tweet during a tourney round. Don't want to get too used to this!"
Unfortunately, this violated the PGA Tour's policy prohibiting the use of electronic devices during competition. Ironically, McLachlin commented:
"'Basically, in [Sunday's] round we had a pretty long wait on the back nine sitting on the tee,' McLachlin told 'The guys that I was playing with [Brad Faxon and Glen Day] were checking football scores and someone yelled out, 'You should tweet about what you're doing right now.' I was like, that's a good idea. I didn't really think too much about it.'"
There's unlikely to be any discipline for McLachlin (Via: ESPN).

Also, the LPGA Tour has new commissioner, Mike Whan  -- hopefully this one won't make politically disastrous suggestions like the last one. (Via: Geoff Shackelford)

President Obama's golf game has received as much media coverage recently as his health care policy has. Not only is Fox News using his 24 rounds played while in office as a talking point against his domestic policy, but he actually played with a woman, Melody Barnes (Chief Domestic Policy Advisor) -- becoming the first woman to play golf with a sitting president.

Sadly, the Prez has had less success in improving his golf swing then he has had in brokering bipartisan legislation.

On a bright note, I'm playing Friday at Blue Top Ridge with missed comrades. Though it's a day of Wilt Chamberlain jokes on the first tee, bloody marys at the turn, and A.D.D. on the back nine, I'm still going to make miles of putts.

Swing hard because it's more fun,


Photo(s): Rickie Fowler, Parker McLachlin, President Obama, LPGA Tour

1 comment:

Wisconsin Reader said...

Looks like the Prez could use a little of that Fowler "flatness" in his swing... Fowler really goes after it - like Anthony Kim did when he first appeared. You do wonder if he will gear it down a little. He hit several wild tee shots at the Fry's or he would have won (4 eagles!)Tiger has cut back (although that could just old age creeping up.)The best attribute Fowler seems to have is he is trying to make every putt and not just lag them up close. I hope he wins enough $ the next 2 weeks to give him full status going into 2010 - he is fun to watch.